Instant Quackification: Examining Immediate vs. Delayed Rewards in Ducks

Werner Quaker

DOI: 22.2222/DBJ/pulfe3sh

Status: Published

Abstract: This study explores the behavior of ducks when presented with the option of immediate gratification versus a delayed but more desirable reward. Ducks were given a choice between wet, old, slimy bread available immediately, and a fresh, delicious donut available after a delay of thirty minutes. The results indicated a strong preference for the immediate, albeit less desirable, option. This behavior suggests that ducks tend to favor instant gratification over waiting for a higher-quality reward. This paper discusses the experimental design, results, and potential implications.

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Decision-making and reward preference have long been crucial subjects of scientific inquiry across various species. The principle of delayed gratification – choosing a larger, more desirable reward over an immediate, lesser one – has significant implications for understanding self-control, future-oriented behavior, and the evolutionary adaptations in different animals.

Humans exhibit varying degrees of this behavior, as famously demonstrated in the Marshmallow Experiment, which showed that children who can delay gratification tend to experience better life outcomes. These findings have inspired researchers to investigate similar behaviors in animals, including primates, birds, and domestic pets. However, less attention has been given to waterfowl. This study aims to fill that gap by examining whether ducks exhibit a preference for instant gratification or if they can delay their reward-seeking behavior for a superior option.

Literature Review

Previous studies on delayed gratification in animals have produced mixed results. Primates, notably chimpanzees and capuchins, have demonstrated the ability to delay gratification for a more substantial reward, indicating a higher level of cognitive functioning. Birds such as parrots and corvids have also shown similar capacities for delayed reward preference.

In contrast, studies on immediate versus delayed rewards in less cognitively complex animals, such as rodents and fish, typically reveal a strong preference for instant gratification. This trend raises questions about the cognitive mechanisms and evolutionary pressures that favor one behavior over the other.

The current body of literature lacks comprehensive studies on waterfowl, particularly ducks, and their decision-making processes concerning reward preference. Given ducks’ unique ecological and behavioral adaptations, this study hypothesizes that ducks will show a strong preference for immediate rewards, aligning more closely with findings in less cognitively complex animals.


Subjects: The study involved 20 domesticated ducks (Anas platyrhynchos), sourced from the same farm to ensure similar background conditions. Ducks were aged between six months to one year and maintained under consistent feeding schedules.


  • Wet, old, slimy bread (immediate reward)
  • Freshly prepared, high-quality donuts (delayed reward)

Experimental Setup: The experimental area was a contained environment designed to minimize external stimuli and distractions. Two feeding stations were set up:

  • Station A (Immediate Reward): Contained the wet, old, slimy bread, immediately accessible to the ducks.
  • Station B (Delayed Reward): Contained a fresh donut enclosed in a transparent container, with a timer set to release the treat after thirty minutes.


  1. Initial Choice Phase: Ducks were released into the experimental area one at a time. Observers recorded the first feeding station each duck approached and consumed from.
  2. Waiting Phase: Ducks that chose Station B had to wait thirty minutes before accessing the donut. Observers noted the ducks’ behavior during the waiting period, including signs of frustration, distraction, or attempts to access the donut prematurely.
  3. Follow-up Observation: Ducks were monitored for sixty minutes total, with periodic checks every fifteen minutes to record if any ducks revisited the stations or switched preferences.

The choice behavior was recorded and statistically analyzed to determine the frequency and significance of immediate versus delayed reward preference.


The results of the experiment showed a clear preference for immediate rewards among the ducks:

  • Immediate Reward (Wet Bread): 18 out of 20 ducks (90%) chose the wet, old, slimy bread at Station A immediately.
  • Delayed Reward (Fresh Donut): Only 2 out of 20 ducks (10%) chose to wait for the fresh donut at Station B.

No ducks that initially chose the immediate reward attempted to switch to the delayed reward during the observation period. Ducks that chose the delayed reward initially showed signs of impatience, such as pacing around the container and quacking loudly.

Statistical Analysis

The preference for immediate rewards was statistically significant (p<0.01), demonstrating a robust tendency towards instant gratification. The behavioral consistency further supports the conclusion that ducks favor an immediate, accessible food source over waiting for a higher-quality but delayed treat.


The study’s findings suggest that ducks have an inherent preference for immediate gratification when it comes to feeding, favoring instant access to available food over waiting for a potentially more desirable option. This behavior may be attributed to several factors:

  1. Evolutionary Adaptation: Ducks are opportunistic feeders in the wild, often consuming available resources quickly before they are depleted by other animals or environmental changes. This behavior is likely an adaptive strategy to maximize food intake and ensure survival.
  2. Cognitive Constraints: Ducks may lack the cognitive capacity for future planning, making it difficult for them to assess the benefits of delayed rewards. Unlike primates or certain birds known for their problem-solving abilities, ducks might prioritize immediate consumption as a more straightforward and reliable strategy.
  3. Feeding Ecology: In natural habitats, ducks often feed on readily available, soft, water-soaked food items, similar to the wet, old, slimy bread used in this experiment. Such preferences may have influenced their immediate choice.

Side Note: As I am writing this, it occurs to me that another interpretation of our findings might be that ducks simply have a particular fondness for wet, old, slimy bread. Ducks often engage in foraging where old, soft, water-soaked food items are readily available and may be more appealing or easier to consume than dryer or unfamiliar items. This preference might not just reflect a broader behavioral tendency toward instant gratification but rather a specific inclination based on taste or texture preferences.


Our study provides insights into the decision-making processes of ducks, demonstrating a marked tendency toward choosing immediate rewards over delayed, more desirable options. The preference for instant gratification observed in ducks aligns with their opportunistic feeding behaviors and may be a crucial survival strategy.

Future Directions

Future studies could further investigate the nuances of this behavior by varying the type of immediate and delayed rewards offered to determine if ducks’ preferences remain consistent across different food items. Exploring the cognitive aspects of ducks’ decision-making could also shed light on the extent to which they can engage in future planning and assess delayed rewards.


  • Ainslie, G. (1975). Specious reward: A behavioral theory of impulsiveness and impulse control. Psychological Bulletin, 82(4), 463-496.
  • Mischel, W., Ebbesen, E. B., & Raskoff Zeiss, A. (1972). Cognitive and attentional mechanisms in delay of gratification. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 21(2), 204-218.
  • Shettleworth, S. J. (2010). Cognition, Evolution, and Behavior. Oxford University Press.
  • Zentall, T. R. (2012). Maladaptive choice behavior by pigeons: an animal analogy to impulsive behavior in humans. Behavioural Processes, 90(1), 193-205.