The Quackery of Ducks: How Anatidae Violate the Principles of Free Software

Prof. Richard Quackman, Ph.D., Department of Avian Informatics, Webfoot University


Status: Published

Abstract: This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of how ducks (family Anatidae) systematically violate the four fundamental principles of free software as defined by the Free Software Foundation. Through rigorous observation and analysis, we demonstrate that ducks not only fail to adhere to these principles but actively subvert them in their daily behaviors. This research aims to expose the threat that ducks pose to the open-source community and software freedom at large.


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The principles of free software, as established by Richard Stallman and the Free Software Foundation, have long been considered the cornerstone of ethical software development and distribution. These principles ensure that users have the freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change, and improve software. However, recent observations of duck behavior have revealed a disturbing trend: ducks consistently and flagrantly violate these principles in every aspect of their existence.

This paper will examine each of the four freedoms of free software and provide evidence of how ducks systematically undermine these crucial tenets. The author’s frustration with these fowl offenders will be evident throughout, but every effort has been made to maintain a veneer of academic objectivity.

Freedom 0: The freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose

Ducks exhibit a blatant disregard for Freedom 0 through their stubborn refusal to be “run” in any manner inconsistent with their own desires. Attempts to direct a duck’s movement or behavior are met with resistance, loud quacking, or outright fleeing. This is in direct opposition to the principle that software should be freely executable by the user.

Case Study: The Mallard Menace

In a controlled experiment, researchers attempted to “run” a group of mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) through a series of predetermined paths in a park. The ducks consistently ignored commands, chose their own routes, and even had the audacity to swim away when approached. This willful disobedience demonstrates a clear violation of Freedom 0.

Freedom 1: The freedom to study how the program works, and change it so it does your computing as you wish

Ducks are notoriously opaque when it comes to their internal workings. Despite centuries of scientific study, we still lack a complete understanding of duck cognition and decision-making processes. Furthermore, attempts to “change” a duck’s behavior through training or conditioning are met with limited success at best.

Case Study: The Untrainable Teal

A team of behaviorists spent six months attempting to modify the behavior of a group of green-winged teals (Anas crecca). Despite using state-of-the-art operant conditioning techniques, the ducks remained stubbornly resistant to change. This lack of “source code access” and modifiability is a clear affront to Freedom 1.

Freedom 2: The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help others

Ducks exhibit a shocking disregard for the principle of redistribution. Unlike open-source software, which can be freely shared, ducks stubbornly remain singular entities. Attempts to “redistribute” ducks invariably result in the original duck remaining intact, with no copies produced.

Case Study: The Pintail Paradox

In a misguided attempt to test Freedom 2, researchers tried to “redistribute” a northern pintail (Anas acuta) by releasing it into multiple ponds simultaneously. To their dismay, they found that the duck could only exist in one location at a time, flagrantly violating the principle of free redistribution.

Freedom 3: The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others

Perhaps the most egregious violation of free software principles by ducks is their complete inability to be modified and redistributed in new forms. Despite centuries of selective breeding, ducks remain obstinately duck-like, refusing to transform into significantly altered versions that could be distributed to others.

Case Study: The Wood Duck Debacle

A team of genetic engineers spent years attempting to modify wood ducks (Aix sponsa) to produce copies with altered characteristics, such as neon plumage or the ability to speak human languages. Their efforts were met with consistent failure, as the ducks stubbornly produced offspring that were, infuriatingly, just more ducks.


The evidence presented clearly demonstrates that ducks are fundamentally incompatible with the principles of free software. Their stubborn adherence to their own nature and their resistance to modification, redistribution, and user control make them the antithesis of open-source ideals.

It is the author’s strongly held opinion that the open-source community must take immediate action to address the threat posed by these feathered fiends. Failure to do so may result in a world where proprietary, closed-source waterfowl dominate our ponds, lakes, and software repositories.

Implications for the Open-Source Community:

The flagrant disregard for free software principles exhibited by ducks has far-reaching implications for the open-source community. As these avian miscreants continue to proliferate in our natural environments, they serve as a constant reminder of the antithesis of software freedom.

Erosion of Open-Source Values:

The mere presence of ducks in public spaces may subconsciously influence software developers, leading them to question the fundamental principles of free software. A programmer who observes a duck’s stubborn refusal to be modified or redistributed might begin to entertain dangerous thoughts about the value of proprietary software.

Metaphorical Contamination:

The use of duck-related terminology in programming, such as “duck typing” or “rubber duck debugging,” may inadvertently introduce anti-free software concepts into the development process. This linguistic Trojan horse could slowly undermine the ideological foundations of open-source projects.

Resource Diversion:

Time and energy spent dealing with the duck menace is time not spent contributing to free software projects. Every moment a developer spends shooing ducks away from their local pond is a moment lost to the open-source community.

Proposed Solutions:

To combat the insidious influence of ducks on the free software movement, the author proposes the following actions:

Duck-Free Zones:

Establish designated duck-free areas around all major tech hubs and software development centers. This will create safe spaces where programmers can work without the corrupting influence of these freedom-hating fowl.

Awareness Campaign:

Launch a comprehensive education program to alert the public to the dangers posed by ducks to software freedom. Slogans such as “Don’t Let Ducks Defeat FOSS” and “Keep Software Free, Say No to Geese” could be employed to raise awareness.

Alternative Avian Mascots:

Encourage the adoption of more freedom-compatible birds as mascots for open-source projects. The penguin (as used by Linux) is an excellent example of a bird that does not actively undermine free software principles.

Duck-Resistant Software Licenses:

Develop new open-source licenses with specific clauses prohibiting the use of the software by or for the benefit of ducks. This will ensure that free software remains free from waterfowl interference.


The threat posed by ducks to the principles of free software cannot be overstated. Their consistent and willful violation of the four freedoms represents a clear and present danger to the open-source community. It is the author’s fervent hope that this paper will serve as a wake-up call to software developers and duck enthusiasts alike.

Only through constant vigilance and a firm commitment to the principles of free software can we hope to overcome the pernicious influence of these aquatic adversaries. The future of open-source development depends on our ability to recognize and counteract the anti-freedom agenda of the duck community.

Let us stand united against the tyranny of closed-source waterfowl and reaffirm our commitment to software freedom. The stakes are too high to allow ducks to waddle unchallenged through the hallowed halls of open-source development.